Theatre Major

Being a BA theatre major has been such a great experience. Regent really helps performers define who they are as actors and define who they are as Christians in the performing world. What I've learned most being here so far has been how to set up boundaries as a Christian performer and stand by them.

Continuing Education

Coming back to school after a two year break was very scary at first because I felt so far behind from all the people I graduated with, but God showed me that my timing here was perfect. And he has let me meet such wonderful people who have been where I'm at and they encouraged me. And once you're in the classes, you see that there are people of all ages and degrees and that age doesn't matter so much.

Christian Education

I use to say that I would never go to a Christian University because I thought they would be so strict and uptight. Also I didn't think a Christian University would be able to teach me theatre the way I needed it to be taught. Regent completely changed my perspective. They have a wonderful program and they really encourage us in our walk with God and show us how to co-exist in the world as a Christian.

Theatre Degree

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

It's worth writing about :)

Highlights of my day:
  • I cleaned the apartment and cleaned out the food of all things that would die over break
  • I did my laundry - Yay clean clothes!
  • I exercised... and also found out that i've like officially lost 20 lbs!!!!!
  • I got to get to know Chris a little better!
  • So someone took the green lamp out of my room and i didn't know who it was, so I posted it on facebook. And i told my friends.. bc it bothered me.... well i found out who it was and y they took it... but didn't tell all my friends i had.. so around 11ish.. Seth runs into my room with a green lamp screaming he found my lamp and Ricky and stephanie are behind him.... i burst out laughing.. seth is trying to keep Ricky away from the amp and Stephanie is helping.. i finally calm down and tell Seth that the lamp he stole from Ricky is Ricky's lamp.. but thanked him for the gesture and that i was honored he fought to get that lamp down to me.. it was amazing!
  • Then Jeff txtd me because he and chad wanted to kidnap Jesiah.. but Jesiah wasn't home so we surran wrapped his bed, laptop, shoes and underwear... and put sticky notes all over his side of the room.. it was brilliant!
  • Then I packed and now I'm up at 3 am because I'm so excited about going home that i cant sleep... problem..
  • i think i shall watch a movie now...
  • Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Hey Bloggers! It’s opening night of As You Like It!!!! The show is so funny and we are just having a blast.

I’m the sound operator for this show, which is so fun because I get to be on headset and we have the best time on headset. There have been a couple snafus that have occurred but I believe we will have a wonderful opening night.

Teching a show is so exhausting but so much fun. And I’m glad I’m working on a show that I don’t mind seeing over and over a bazillion times. The actors are amazing and so is the tech crew. We all get along so great (which is always necessary when in the theatre).

I’ve learned a lot about sound, but also I’ve learned quite a bit from the MFA actors. They are so talented and I love watching their drive and dedication. And watching how they hone their craft. I’ve learned quite a bit of little tid bits on acting and I’m so excited to have the opportunity to use them.

This tech experience is so different from my high school. I mean I loved ARGS and everything it taught me, but here at Regent the atmosphere is just different. There aren’t any Divas and everyone looks out for everyone else’s back. O the drama is not the case here. I think that’s my favorite part. There is no drama here with the theatre people. In the commons sure I see drama all the time, but when I’m here in this space, with these amazing people, there’s no vendetta, there’s no drama, and he said she said, and its just fun and peaceful.

Yes we are all tired, but we aren’t cranky. We all have masses of homework to do, papers to write, tests to study for, but we encourage each other. It really is the best environment.

Monday, November 16, 2009

I Remember Tim

Today is November 16th. In 2005 my dear classmate Tim passed away on this day. He had a heart condition. He was the sweetest guy and never said a mean thing (to me anyway). He was my math buddy. We didn't really hang out in the same crowd or even participate in the same clubs, but we had our thing in math. I remember the day it was announced that Tim had passed away and the entire school was hushed.. well the junior and senior classes were. The school planted a tree in his honor. He was the first ARGS student to ever pass away. When it happened, so many people said why him God? He wouldn't hurt anyone... why him? I asked this question, it happened so fast. Sophmore year he seemed so fine, and then come beginning of our junior year he had lost so much weight I hardly recognized him. But he was still my Tim. My dear, sweet, didn't understand math, but was willing to try Tim. I'm setting aside time today to lift his family up in my prayers, because I don't know where they are at or how they are doing. Will you lift them up with me? Those of you who remember him? Thank You. Tim we loved you. And you did make a difference in the short life that you lived.

Friday, November 13, 2009

My heart is so full

Can I say right now how much I love my school and the people God has placed in my path. They really are amazing people.

This past week has been one of those bittersweet weeks. God has just been so faithful. It wasn’t a bad week, but it was a difficult week. I came up against some spiritual warfare this week and I was doing some battle but I have come out on top, but am now very exhausted.

God has showed me so many things this week about myself, and where I’m going, what I’m doing here at Regent. It’s just been beautiful.

There is still some things that I’m dealing with but I know God will help me through it.

So tech starts tonight. I’m so excited to be working on a show again. Like really. I know I’m about to be super busy and super tired… but I’m so pumped…

I have missed theatre so much and I’m the sound op for As You Like It… I love Shakespeare!!!!! As most of you know. I’ve never worked sound before even in high school… it just wasn’t my thing… but I know I’m gonna learn a lot and that God is gonna help me get even closer to some people.

I wish I could explain to some people the love and joy I feel when I’m working on a show. Some people just don’t understand that driving force within me.. that passion that is so thick and so huge that sometimes I’m about to bust from the inside out, it gets so intense. I feel so full.. of life, and purpose, and… God just pours out of me in a new way, and sometimes I want to burst into tears because I feel so unworthy for God to choose me for this craft. To spread the art of theatre… its so overwhelming. But its so beautiful. I’m excited….if u didn’t get that.

To those of you who know what I’m talking about… where you are itching with need to perform or tech… and at the moment you cant do it… just hold on… God will open a door. I’ve been away from theatre for 2 years… and coming back… gives me such a better appreciation for it then I had before. YAY GOD!!!

Well that’s my shpeel. I love you all. God Bless!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


So, being a Regent Student does have its tough moments. Like money.. but I've heard money problems is not just a college thing but a general struggle. As a person I’ve always prayed against financial struggles for when I was married. I've seen to many families broken up over money that I didn't want that to be a problem for my future husband and me.

Well God has been very good to me. a couple weeks ago I was freaking out about paying rent because I haven't found a job yet and I have no incoming income. My parents are not helping with college so I’m on my own and have done everything I know how to do. The government of course thinks I have plenty of money because of my parent’s income but they don’t seem to understand that I’m on my own. So anyway one day someone slipped an envelope with my name on it under my door. Well it had money to go towards my rent. It wasn’t the whole amount but I was grateful for anything. Well I turned it in and it was all I had.

Yesterday I got a notice saying I had until the 15th to come up with the rest or I’ll be kicked out of the commons by the 20th. I was... disheartened to say the least.

I sat on my bedroom floor crying... not sure what to do... so tired... and I said.. "God, I cant fight anymore... its all out of me." And I just cried and then i sensed him and he came and he picked me up in his arms and said "I'll carry you now" And I just remember crying into his shoulder as he stroked my hair saying it would be all right. And he rocked me and shhhd me... and I just cried into his shoulder. And then he danced with y in his arms. It was slow and I didn’t have to do anything. I was up in his arms like a 5 year old child.. in the fetal position... and he sang over me and loved me.

It was amazing.

So to those of you who are struggling with finances, God's gonna carry you through this hard time. Just be fully vulnerable and say "Daddy I cant do this on my own" and he'll come and pick you up and carry you through while whispering how much he loves you.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fighting the invisible battle

Hey guys! So we have this thing on Sundays called the NeXt and its for all students. Well this week I have food and drink duty and I feel so honored to be a part of this event, but sometimes Satan tries to make me feel overwhelmed. but I'm fighting back. I'm so excited about tonight because had me and my friend Seth actually make a meal for the kids instead of just having junk food. So many times I’ve heard students say that the junk food they are eating is there dinner, and I had a sit down with God and he told me to feed them this week, so that's what I'm doing. I have no idea if I made too little or too much, but I’m believing God to bless it either way.

Students from the Comm School are the main leaders but everyone is invited because everyone can share about how God speaks to them and ministers to them. It's a great time of sharing and encouraging each other and just watching God bring people together with whatever.

So when Stan tries to attack me like this and makes me feel sick and overwhelmed I say "Get thee behind me! I have no time for your games!" and then I spend time just praising God for who he is and all that he's done and is doing in my life.

So to leave you with this: don't let Satan try and trick you into thinking you don’t have enough time to get everything that you need to do done. Pace yourselves and give everything to God and he'll strengthen you and direct your path.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Theatre dreams

Hey guys! This is my first blog for Regent. I have actually been blogging for about 7 years on Xanga. I did have a bout 2 year laps of blogging, but I felt God wanted me to pick it back up again. It's amazing the people you can impact by blogging.

Today I thought I'd share a little bit about why I'm a theatre major and what I think God wants me to do with my degree. See I’ve been performing ever since I can remember. I was born in November and that December I played baby Jesus in the Christmas pageant. So I’ve known I was to do great things ever since. LOL. Anyway, I love performing but I also enjoying playwrighting. And part of my dream is to maybe start a theatre company that travels around the world. I think I will have a tech crew and we will submerge ourselves into a country for a little while and I’ll write a play that will speak to the people in there own language and I want to have them audition and perform the play. Also I want to eventually build performing art centers for people of all ages. Where anyone can come for free and learn to act, dance, paint, play an instrument etc. God has given people so many talents and in many of these countries they never get to learn how to perform or paint because they have to concern themselves with survival. But part of theses schools will give people opportunities to make money with their talent to support their family.

It’s a big dream but its what God’s placed in my heart and I’m not sure how it will all play out but I’m excited about what God has for me and I know that Regent is just the beginning building blocks for it.