Oh, I have learned to trust, to fight, to continue on, to press through the hard times and cling to my Father like my life depends on it, because it does. I’ve learned to love deeper, forgive sooner and let things go when they are out of my control. I learned I can be my worst enemy or my best friend.
I learned that I’m human and I’m not perfect. I learned to forgive myself during the hard times. I learned who my true friends are and I learned the difference between Holy of Holies friends and Outer courts friends. I’ve learned to think before acting or speaking and how to process through everything. I’ve learned to let loose and have fun, and I’ve learned to be serious and handle life.
It’s a lot to learn in one month I guess but it’s all been a little process here and there. This past month has brought me closer to God and closer to people. I’m one step closer to who I’m suppose to be.
If anything, from the craziness of this past month, I’ve grown. I’ve pressed into God and He’s held me. I haven’t been perfect, I’ve upset and hurt people this month, people I was close to, that I was suppose to love. I have no excuses for it. But what I learned was that the grace I extend towards others needs to be extended towards myself sometimes. We are always hardest on ourselves I think. At least I am, but if I step outside of myself I see the pain, the battle wounds, the desperate, lost little girl… but most of all I see the light that shines so bright from within. The peace that has come from the pain and strength that has arisen because of the circumstances. And it is not a beaten battered child standing before me but a beautiful Woman of God who can stand on her own two feet when all the world is falling upon her and still say everything’s going to be ok. We will get through this season and we will Rejoice as we’re going through it. Because that is who I am. Despite all my crap and baggage, I am stronger because I haven’t run when God called me out on something. I stood and took it and handled my business and then gave it back to Him. Because if anything I want to be the Woman he’s calling me to be.