Day 16 –
Another picture of myself.. i really love this pic.. i feel like it expresses me in every way.
Day 17- a person you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
If I could take one day to switch lives with someone it would be… Mary on the day Jesus was hung on the cross. Why the mother of Christ? And why that day? Mary’s life has always fascinated me and even though that day is a very devastating day, I would want to see it, and have her memories of her son, of God’s son, and with all the love and yet know this is something that must happen. As devastating as the day was for Mary, I’d choose that day. Because as much as I know what he did for me and people reenact it all the time. We still take things for granted.
I want that day so I can see and have complete understanding, not just a head knowledge, but such a deep deep heart knowledge that would carry me forever. Of how much He loved me and how much God wanted me to be with him. And I’d choose Mary because she knew Jesus best. She knew what he was and she watched him grow into the man he was to be.
Day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
Plans: I’ve come to try not to make to many plans because God seems to change them on me.
Dreams: I have so many dreams stored in my heart, I don’t even know what they all are. But God does and he’ll bring them to pass when He sees fit.
Goals: Get through today, Prepare for tomorrow, and seek God everyday in all things.
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