Saturday, December 11, 2010
60 questions people dont ask
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Pulled Muscle
Ever pulled a muscle? It’s painful right? How did you pull it? Were you carrying something that you weren’t suppose to be carrying… or was it something you’ve done over and over again but for some reason on that particular day your muscle just gave up and gave out…
It hurts, it’s soar and tender and sometimes you might want to cry because the pain is so excruciating. I know that feeling…. It happened to me today…
Today I was going about my business doing the same ol’ same ol’ when all of a sudden I pulled a muscle…. No I pulled the muscle.. the most singular important muscle.. pulled it so bad it fell right out of my chest… and then it just lay there in front of me. Stretched and strained from all the ware and tear from all the years of me using it the same way over and over again. Oh it got plenty of exercise.. but it just gave out and said I need a break and it just dropped out.
I stood there staring at it, crying my eyes out because it hurt so much. It was deep… how was it deep if it was out of my body you may ask? Because it had pulled some things with it as it fell out. I collapsed in a heap on the ground and wept and tried to calm myself from the pain of what had just happened… when all of a sudden there was a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and there he was. He was the best doctor in town and he had a special way of fixing pulled muscles. He knelt down beside me and examined the wound and then picked the muscle up off the ground. He said “Why this just wont due! You’ve worked this muscle until it was plum tuckered out!” I told him “I couldn’t help it. It was all I had, the only muscle that could do the job.” He smiled at me as he tossed the old muscle aside and then he reached in his bag and pulled something out. “Here” he said ”give this one a whirl, it’s much more stronger and bigger too. ”
He placed the muscle back in place, and just before he left he said “ Now don’t go straining that one like you did the other. It’s bigger and stronger to be sure, but its purpose is to help you let go”.
I stood there staring as he walked away. I was not in pain or anguish anymore. I walked away thinking how good the doctor was. For he had given me a gift, a secret to my health that I was determined to keep.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Day 29 In the past month what have I learned?
Oh, I have learned to trust, to fight, to continue on, to press through the hard times and cling to my Father like my life depends on it, because it does. I’ve learned to love deeper, forgive sooner and let things go when they are out of my control. I learned I can be my worst enemy or my best friend.
I learned that I’m human and I’m not perfect. I learned to forgive myself during the hard times. I learned who my true friends are and I learned the difference between Holy of Holies friends and Outer courts friends. I’ve learned to think before acting or speaking and how to process through everything. I’ve learned to let loose and have fun, and I’ve learned to be serious and handle life.
It’s a lot to learn in one month I guess but it’s all been a little process here and there. This past month has brought me closer to God and closer to people. I’m one step closer to who I’m suppose to be.
If anything, from the craziness of this past month, I’ve grown. I’ve pressed into God and He’s held me. I haven’t been perfect, I’ve upset and hurt people this month, people I was close to, that I was suppose to love. I have no excuses for it. But what I learned was that the grace I extend towards others needs to be extended towards myself sometimes. We are always hardest on ourselves I think. At least I am, but if I step outside of myself I see the pain, the battle wounds, the desperate, lost little girl… but most of all I see the light that shines so bright from within. The peace that has come from the pain and strength that has arisen because of the circumstances. And it is not a beaten battered child standing before me but a beautiful Woman of God who can stand on her own two feet when all the world is falling upon her and still say everything’s going to be ok. We will get through this season and we will Rejoice as we’re going through it. Because that is who I am. Despite all my crap and baggage, I am stronger because I haven’t run when God called me out on something. I stood and took it and handled my business and then gave it back to Him. Because if anything I want to be the Woman he’s calling me to be.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Day 28 A picture of you last year and now. How have you changed since then?

Last Year
Well since last year I have dyed my hair, cut my hair, gotten glasses (but only for reading), I have worked on some shows, I have gotten 3 jobs, I have moved off campus I have stopped going to college… I have fought and I have struggled, I have smiled and I have laughed, I have cried and I have screamed, I have been stretched in areas I didn’t know needed to be stretched. I have gotten closer with some people and farther with others. I have been pressed, shaken, stripped apart and yet I’m still here. Running the race that has been set before me. A day at a time and a prayer every moment… my life has been flooded but with God as my raft I’m making it through just fine.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Day 26 and Day 27
Day 26 What do you think of your friends? (in no particular order and not all of them)
Jessie: The Bestest Bestie and twin a girl could ever have. We’ve been Besties since high school. She knows me better than anyone. She knows when I just need to be silly and when I need to be slapped. She sticks with me through think and thin and loves me even through my screw ups. She’s an amazing Woman of God and there aren’t words to describe my love and appreciation for her in my life. She’s a role model in so many ways, and I totally wish I could grow up t be as kind, caring and considerate as she is.
Tianna: A new Bestie but a Bestie all the same. She’s like a sister who I can share my crazy life with and she puts up with me and my silliness. She knows me extremely well too and she has no problem putting me in my place when I need to be put there. She’s blunt and weird and I love her oh so dearly for putting up with me. She’s fun and funny and has helped me grow so much spiritually. And I’m super excited to see how God will continue to stretch and grow our friendship.
Veronica: An Amazing Woman of God who has been an encourager, and up lifter in my life. She’s prayed for me, laughed with me, joked with me, and worked along side me. She’s another type of sister who has helped me grow in my walk with God and she has allowed me to pour into her life as well. She’s funny and quirky and I’m gonna miss her when she goes to California.
Sarah: An amazing prayer warrior and adventure seeker. Sarah prays like no one else I know. She’s sweet and caring and there for you when you need her. She’s also great for random adventures and fun picture taking. She’s a blessing in my life and fun to hang out with. I love that girl.
Juliette: JULES!!!! Love her!!! She’s my beach buddy. And my scream, dance, do what you need to do in the moment girl. We have so much fun whenever we’re together its ridiculous… a good ridiculous… and she’s the little sister I never had.
Ash: Costume Shop buddy! Ash is amazing and talented and goofy and weird too. She has her own taste in everything and it’s beautiful. She’s got a beautiful heart and I love spending time with her.
Dan: Dan was my very first friend at regent. We clicked really well. He’s been there for me on so many occasions. He’s the guy to go to if you want to meet new people because he can introduce you to a new person everyday if you wanted. He’s spontaneous and all around awesome.
Brielle: Beautiful girl who will get up & go when you need to do something spare of the moment. Loves God and does her best to reach out and be there amongst her crazy schedule. I love watching her grow in God and move forward in the direction he is taking her.
All my friends are pretty amazing and I love them and I love spending time with them in all shapes and forms that hanging time comes in J
Day 27 Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?
I was bored and wanted to do something since I don’t have homework... I need to exercise my brain a little and give people a better chanTuesday, September 28, 2010
Day 25... What you would find in my purse
Well you will find an abundance of colorful pens, a wallet, lip gloss, chap stick, sunglasses, keys, cell phone, ibuprofen, a hair brush, hair bands, a notebook, my bible, my glass case with my glasses in it, feminine hygiene products, and depending on the week a pack of gum.
Those are the always things in my purse. Now for the other on occasion things you would find; my laptop, a book, batteries, floss, hair clips, passport, jewelry, water bottle, deodorant, wrappers and trash…. Yeah I think that’s the gist of it.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Day 23 Something you crave for a lot
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Day 22... What makes you different from everyone else?
Bahaha.. well I snort when I laugh, which though people do this, they don’t do it the way I do. I’m funny and quirky at times that are appropriate. I’m a lover, a fighter, a best friend, a playmate, a warrior, the back bone you need when you’ve lost your own, the hug that embraces, the one who cries with you, I wont take your crap and I’ll slap you when you need to be slapped. I am who I am and that’s all that I am. I’m a daughter of God and his precious princess, a strong mighty woman who puts God first in every decision.
I dream big and run far.
How are these different from any other you may ask? Because it has my own flair, my own unique Jessica Lynne Myers twist. Just get to know me and you’ll see how different I am. Yet I am who He says I am, and that’s good enough for me.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Day 20.... ???
Day 20 – Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future.
Honestly, I haven’t met him yet. But I’ll be sure to let you know when I do. J
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Day 19… nicknames I have and why I have them
Jess- a common name used by many and all… I figure people just get lazy and don’t want to say a 3 syllable name.
Jessie- my parents gave me this name… it’s just another stem from Jessica
Tissie- a special nickname between me and my sister.
Ica- given to me by Alyssa, a girl on my S.A mission trip in ’04.
Icka- Tianna’s special nickname for me
Jess Mess- The nickname Jessie, my best friend, gave to me when we were coming up with nicknames. We actually have a a lot of nicknames but I seriously cannot write them all down here. This is the one that is the most used.
Nledi- my S.A name given to me by my translator. It means star, and he said he called me that because I was always singing and he hoped I became a big star one day.
Those are the main ones.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Day 16, 17 &18. Sorry I was so busy and wasn't close to internet.

Day 16 –
Another picture of myself.. i really love this pic.. i feel like it expresses me in every way.
Day 17- a person you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
If I could take one day to switch lives with someone it would be… Mary on the day Jesus was hung on the cross. Why the mother of Christ? And why that day? Mary’s life has always fascinated me and even though that day is a very devastating day, I would want to see it, and have her memories of her son, of God’s son, and with all the love and yet know this is something that must happen. As devastating as the day was for Mary, I’d choose that day. Because as much as I know what he did for me and people reenact it all the time. We still take things for granted.
I want that day so I can see and have complete understanding, not just a head knowledge, but such a deep deep heart knowledge that would carry me forever. Of how much He loved me and how much God wanted me to be with him. And I’d choose Mary because she knew Jesus best. She knew what he was and she watched him grow into the man he was to be.
Day 18- plans/dreams/goals you have
Plans: I’ve come to try not to make to many plans because God seems to change them on me.
Dreams: I have so many dreams stored in my heart, I don’t even know what they all are. But God does and he’ll bring them to pass when He sees fit.
Goals: Get through today, Prepare for tomorrow, and seek God everyday in all things.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Day 14 & 15

Day 14 A picture of my family minus Elisha who was sleeping.
- Halfway Around the World- A*teens
- Onward Christian Soldiers - African Children's Choir Zambia
- Meant to Be- Jadon Lavik
- Gone- Switchfoot
- Without Love - Hairspray Soundtrack
- Notice me Horton - Seussical the Musical
- When I Dream at Night - Marc Anthony
- Miracles Happen- Myra
- It's Called Christmas with a Capital C - Go Fish
- Spinnin' Around- Jump 5
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Day 13.. a letter to someone who hurt you.
Dear Whomever,
You have hurt me. You befriended me and I befriended you and they with as easily as the waves crash on the shore you have turned around and left me. I thought we were close, I thought we were closer than close. But apparently what it seems was I was just a crutch for a moment. I was there and so you used me, and then I wasn’t needed anymore so you dropped out of my world.
I wont put all the blame on you. I know I have my faults too. I got caught up in my own little whirlwind of crazy things happening in my life. I’m not that great of a texted or caller. But it seems that neither are you once a little distance is put between us. So I’m not blaming you for anything. I will share the blame… but I needed you and you weren’t there for me. We were supposed to be true friends but I guess it was just for a moment because you have your friends and I have mine.
I want to say I’ve forgiven you, and part of me has… time and time again I have forgiven you. And time and time again I’ve been let down. I know That Christ would keep forgiving. But I’m not Christ and this cut has been made to deep, so I give you to Christ, I give my hurt to Christ and He will have to forgive you for me until I can truly forgive you myself.
I don’t wish bad things upon you, I still love you, but I cant play the games anymore and I wont be vulnerable anymore. And when major things happen in my life don’t be upset that you didn’t know because you lost that right when you dropped me. Yes I still consider us friends, but the Holy of Holies moment is gone, and I now se that we are really just outer court friends. And that’s ok. Please continue to move on with your life and I do pray God blesses it.
P.S. This letter is not directed toward any one person. And I know it may cause some drama, but I don’t care. I’m gonna be honest in my blogs. And honestly folks, we are all adults here, lets act like it.
P.S.S. If you feel that I have possibly dropped you or treated you poorly, then I am sorry my friend. It was surly not my intention. Please forgive me for being a jerk and a bad friend.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Day 12... How I found out about Blogger and why I made one.
I found out about the blogger.. well Regent Blogger by searching the Regent website before I went to Regent. I decided I wanted one because I remember as a prospective student I didn’t see any theatre major’s up who could tell me what life at Regent was like. I originally started it so that I could let those students know what was school life like, and what was theatre life like.
Sorry Blogger, I have failed you.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Day 10 and 11

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
So I’m sure people have songs for each of these emotions but to be honest for me it varies and yet is very much the same. My music is generally Christina and on the occasion secular. But I don’t have any Fav songs for these emotions. Really I tend to put my music on random. SO yeah….
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Day 9... Something I'm proud of...
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Day 8
Day 8… Short term goals for this month (not in any particular order)
1. Survive
2. Figure out steady payment plan for tuition
3. Grow closer to God
4. Buy a table
5. Get my Guinea Pig Chakita
6. Loose 10 lb.
7. Loose 1 more inch.
8. Get more involved in church
I think those are my short term goals… yep
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day 7.. Picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact n your life.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 6.. Favorite Superhero
My favorite super hero is…. Rogue from X-men… why? Because, I always liked her. I felt like our personalities were the same and technically Rogue could have any power she wanted considering she could touch you and have their same power… I found this amazing… and I mean she wears green my favorite color, and she can fly… which I always wanted to do… yep… Rogue was always my favorite. LOVE HER!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Day 4... A habit I wish I didn't have
I have several of those…
I wish I didn’t bite my nails.
I wish I wasn’t awful at keeping up with long distance communication.
I wish I didn’t constantly say the phrase “I was like, I was like” when I’m retelling a story.
I wish I didn’t bite my lip when I’m in deep thought.
I have this thing when I’m sitting or relaxing that my feet are crossed and the foot on the top rotates.. I don’t even notice I do it sometimes.
This one gets on peoples nerves… I have a habit of while I’m sitting I shake my leg, and not literally but its that more twitching of my knee up and down... Especially when sitting at a table…
That's all I can think of at the moment.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Day 2
The meaning behind my Blogger name Jessica’s Blog… well my name’s Jessica and this blog was set up under Regent so that students could share about there student life and perspective students could read about what life on campus was like.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Day 1...
1. My name is Jessica Lynne Myers and God gave my parents my name 2 years before I was born.
2. My eyes are hazel.
3. My best friend’s name is Jessica also.
4. I went to a performing arts high school.
5. I’m the youngest of 4.
6. I have never dated.
7. 7 is my favorite number.
8. I snort when I laugh.
9. I’d really prefer to marry African royalty.
10. I don’t like geese.
11. My favorite color is green.
12. I love playing in the rain.
13. I just want to travel the world for a while.
14. I love a hot shower any time of the day.
15. I find sewing to be a calming experience.
Blog challenge for myself
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blogger name
Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
Day 12- How you found out about Blogger and why you made one
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
Day 14- A picture of you and your family
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
Day 24- A letter to your parents
Day 25- What I would find in your bag
Day 26- What you think about your friends
Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
Day 30- Who are you?
Sunday, August 22, 2010
The valley is up ahead...
This past summer has been a crazy ride, but now summer is over and school has started back up again. However this time, I wont be joining the classes.
I work in the costume shop and in the box office so I’ll still be involved, but I wont be in class.
Also I am not living in the commons this year. I visited the commons tonight and it brought back such a rush of memories, but at the same time.. it feels very different from last year… as it should.
The reason for me telling you all this is that.. basically this has been a very emotional summer for me. It’s been a very trusting in God summer for me. To a degree I never had before, which is good, but I’ve been through the fire I feel more than once and I’ve felt broken more then once.
However tonight I feel was my final breaking point. The point where everything hit me and I went through every emotion.
I came home and was talking with my roommate, and amongst our conversation we laughed we vented our frustrations, anger and hurt about so many things happening, and then we laughed. However I could not stop laughing and then the laughing turned in to violent tears and crying.. I thought I had calmed myself and on my way to the kitchen t put my plate in the dishwasher I all of a sudden just collapsed and started laughing and crying again.
My roommate wasn’t really sure what to do so she called my best friend and Jessie knew right away, that this was my breaking point. You see this has happened to me once before on a youth retreat where God hit me so hard I couldn’t stop laughing and I couldn’t move for several hours.
So my roommate just left me on the floor because there wasn’t really anything else to do, and I laid there in the fetal position crying, and I talked to God and balled my eyes out. It was a heavy deep in my chest kind of cry. And I just let it all out.
Change has always been hard to me. And when plans that I thought were set in stone don’t work out I stress a little. But this month I really have been feeling peace about school. However there have many other things to occur in my life that having nothing to do with school.
But it was all released tonight in that 40 minute craziness. This is a brand new year, and it has so many new opportunities available in it. My journey is a unique one. One that is meant to teach and mold and prepare me for my destiny. So through all the friendships, all the hardships, all the crap and happy times, it’s apart of what God is doing. He’s allowing me to be stretched and tested and broken
And the process has sucked my friends.
But the clearing is up ahead and it’s a beautiful sight. And I am coming out of this season with my head held high and the expectation of the future.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Update on life...
So Update;
I have been struggling attending Regent due to tuition. God blessed me with an amazing year. And it was an amazing learning experience, but I struggled financially. Unlike most students I do not have a co-signer for a loan. And to be honest my family and I do not agree with co0signing because of the scripture that talks about not putting your neighbor in debt. So I worked on scholarships and such but didn’t get anything. I looked all year for a job and didn’t get one until school was out. Well Regent kept sending me letters and calling asking me if I knew I had an outstanding balance. I kept in touch with me financial advisor thinking that she was a go between, but then I got busy with finals and dropped the ball. Well Regent gave my account to a collection agency and because the agency gets 25% they raised my tuition price $2500. So my father got prepaid legal involved and we are trying to settle this. I know I owe regent the money, we are just disputing the extra that was tacked on. Plus trying to figure out payments considering I barley make enough to pay my monthly rent, food, and gas, I’m running out of options. Oh did I mention this affects my credit report? Yep this hits my credit report this Thursday on the 22nd. Although thankfully my lawyers sent the collection agency a letter so on my credit report it should only say that there is a dispute going on. In the mean time I’m collecting any and all paperwork I signed and got from Regent concerning finances. It’s a sticky situation.
How am I feeling? I have my good days and my not so good days. God is defiantly teaching me to rely only on him and he’s building my faith. I keep thinking of how I’d survive in Africa with no money or bare minimum... because I am cutting back a lot and living on as little as possible.
I’ve been looking at things I could do, I sent out support letters but never heard anything back. I don’t even know if people did anything with them. But that’s ok I did what I felt God wanted me to do. At the moment I’m at a stand still and just waiting.
There’s a lot of varying factors and this can go in so many directions.
As far as school goes I can’t return until it’s all paid off, understandably. So I’m just gonna be living here for a while working I guess. It’s a predicament to be sure. But God has a plan and I’m trusting in Him because there’s really not much I can do.
And no I cant get another loan because of the co-signer thing, no I cant get a grant at least I haven’t been able to as of yet, and a scholarships will only cover this upcoming year not this past year. So thinking of fundraisers and things I could sell that would give me some money to start paying off the debt.
Any suggestions are welcomed and of course prayer is always welcomed.
Thanks for listening to my splurge J Have a great day!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
What I found inside myself...
Distraction- that which distracts, divides the attention, or prevents concentration…
I’ve gotten distracted from why God sent me here. I got distracted from the promise God made me. I lost my focus.
Insipid- Lacking qualities that excite, stimulate, or interest; dull.
I found my life to be insipid. I got distracted by insipidity. How can that happen? Well I stopped looking ahead and started focusing on the now. In a bad way.
Purpose- the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used…
I was made for a purpose. God told me to come here for a purpose. I loss track of that by getting all caught up in everyone else’s business.
Dear friends, bloggers, readers. I’m human. I am not perfect. I care, a lot, and have allowed people to take that for granted. I feel intensely… I am an artist and so therefore emotion is a huge part of my life. I care for all of you, but I cant always be there and give you advice. And to be honest, it gets exhausting sometimes. And I get all caught up more because I feel like nothing is happening in my life. But it’s not true. I lied to myself. I allowed myself to get distracted because I didn’t want to face those things that I knew I needed to deal with.
It’s true that I did have many things I learned and dealt with this last year and many of, if not all, of you have helped in one way or another. But there was something that I continued to struggle with that I kept pushing aside thinking that it was me trusting God. But I wasn’t. I was scarred and didn’t have answers so I ignored the problem hoping by some providence that it would handle itself. But it didn’t. And now its come to this…
My name is Jessica Myers. I am not perfect. And money and finances scare me. No, they terrify me. Well they did. Then one day I finally sat down and told God my real problem. And I was ashamed of what I said. It was horrible and disrespectful to the great God that I serve. But you know what he did, he told me “thank you, thank you for finally being honest.” He knew all along what my problem was. And he just held me as I cried it all out. And then he looked me in the face and reminded me of what he had already done. And He showed me why He was gonna take care of me. Not how, but why… It’s really the most important thing ever, I think, for every situation where I doubt in Him. Where we doubt in Him.
Love. He loves us. How cliché I know, but I’ve come to the point several times in my life where I realized that I didn’t actually understand His love for me. And I don’t mean mentally. I can rationalize and theologize it over and over. But when I move past the intellectual and move into those deep parts of my heart that I hide from even myself, I find that I don’t understand His love for me.
And now, I wont say that I 100% do know his love, because if I did I think I would be a very different person. But I understand it on a new level and I know that as I grow, I will continue to learn and better understand this love he has for me.
I’m not scarred anymore of what’s going to happen with this situation in my life. If it’s taken to court then its taken to court. God will give me favor and grace. He will honor his promise to me. To take care of me. No matter what.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
It's not over
Hey Friends. It’s been a little while since I updated.
I'm still working at Ruby Tuesdays. And to be honest I had almost given up hope on possibly attending Regent in the fall. However because God loves me he has put it in my friend’s hearts to fundraise for me. I'm so honored that they care so much to help me graduate. And also today I heard news that my academic advisor might have a plan on me attending in the fall. I have to set up a meeting with him to here these details but I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I want to attend classes in the fall, but it's hard for me to see right now.
When God asked me if I would be ok with not going to class in the fall, I felt like it meant not going. I know sometimes just asks to see what we say or do, but under my circumstances it was very believable. And now... I was looking at some old writings of mine on another blog and God's asked me to give u a dream before. And so it wasn't a surprise. But then I had to sit and ask myself do I really believe I serve a God who keeps taking me away from the dreams he's placed in me? God doesn't want to see me fail.
Most everybody has there own hurts and trust issues. And to each person its deep and personal and not something we think other people can understand. This is how I feel. I mistrust God with my future because I've been hurt so deeply. And God was protecting me in those times I just couldn't see it. I sit here and ask myself how much is God gonna ask me to sacrifice and give up? And then I realized, He asked for all of it.
It’s such a deep slap in the face when you think you're giving your all to God and then you see how much of your flesh you've actually held back. You see yourself in a whole new light. However you can’t dwell on it and have a spiritual pity party. It’s a painful process peeling of the layers of flesh and laying them on the alter and simply trusting God to be Himself, God… the creator and maker of the universe and the lover of your soul.
So I have 8 weeks before school starts again and I believe God can change things. How I thought my life at Regent was going to be certainly isn’t the case… but it’s not time for me to leave yet. I still have learning to do, and I still have lives to touch.
Jeremiah 29:11
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Update on life...
So update on my life… I’m looking for a second job because Ruby Tuesday just isn’t going to cut it. I’ve applied at the school for three different positions. I’m concerned that the fact that I’m not in good financial standing is gonna be a problem but I’m praying through it. I mean I need a job in order to pay off tuition. I have some great friends though. My friend Julie has been coming up with ideas and ways to get me money to give the school. At the moment we are working on getting some kids together to do a car wash. I’m excited about it. And I feel honored to have friends care so much about my college education.
In other news. I’m going to the eye doctor on Friday. Secret about me… I’m not a fan of the eye doctor. I asked Tianna to accompany me because I dislike it that much. I haven’t been to the eye doctor in so long. I want to say maybe since I was 13 or 14… maybe earlier… I’m not sure. Ok so I’m a little scared. More because I’m scarred they’ll tell me I need glasses. I know glasses aren’t a big deal anymore. But I’ve had perfect vision since I was a little girl. But I have noticed I’ve had more headaches and I’ve been squinting at my computer and when I read. So they may just be reading glasses, but still. I find it interesting that this would bother me. But I really took my perfect eyesight for granted. No I did more than that. It is a hit to my pride in a sense. I was always so proud that I was the only in my family who didn’t need glasses. Although I have been told that its normal for kids need to get glasses once they reach college because their reading has enhanced. That’s weird that because I read more I need glasses. But oh well. If I need glass then I’ll need glasses. And I’ll just get over it, because it really isn’t a big deal.
So Sarah and I have been reading Shakespeare and going through this Shakespeare book. And it really has been great. And we practiced tap. I miss tap. I miss dancing. I also got her and Jen to give me contacts for voice lessons. I’m not sure I can afford it but I’m at least gonna look at it. I miss singing and I want to get my voice back up to par.
I really think that’s it for right now. Nothing crazy. Same ol same ol.
Yes I’m still working on the being content in the moment thing and not rushing ahead. It’s a hard thing for me to do, but I really do need to enjoy just this moment. Even if it’s a boring moment. Because I think I take life for granted. And I need to take it all in and really enjoy my life, even if its not where I thought I’d be or where I’d thought I’d be. I need to accept it and enjoy it.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Friday, June 4, 2010
How He Loves Us
Loves like a hurricane, I am a tree – God’s love is like a hurricane… a hurricane- a violent wind, uproar or force… and we are trees in a hurricane… God’s love comes in and sweeps us up, uproots us, and surrounds us…-
Bending beneath the weight of his wind and mercy-being shaped under his protection into all that he has us to be, taking out our heart and replacing it with his…-
When all of a sudden, I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory- when the glory comes down and it’s no longer me, but God, moving within me… and I get what I call Jesus jerks…-
And I realize just how beautiful you are and how great your affections are for me- becoming fully aware of your excellence and how intense you feel about me…-
Oh, How he loves us so.
Oh, How he loves us
How He loves us so.- He has affection for us, even more so he finds pleasure in us.
Yeah, He loves us
Woah, How He loves us
Woah, How He loves us
Woah, how He loves.- Once again it’s so great it has to be repeated over and over in order for us to understand not just with our heads but with our hearts…-
So we are His portion- each one of us is a single part of a bigger group…-
And he is our prize- we get Him when we strive for Him…-
Drawn to redemption by the grace in his eyes- we see favor (approval) in his eyes and it draws us to repent and seek after him…-
If grace is an ocean we’re all sinking- if God’s favor were an ocean.. an OCEAN people, then we are being submerged into his grace which is his favor for us, fully covered, drowning…-
So heaven meets earth like a sloppy wet kiss- the sky and the ground meet in a passionate collision…-
And my heart turns violently inside of my chest- you’ve come to the full realization of how intense God feels for you..-
I don’t have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way- I cannot continue to be sad or disappointed in my past actions or myself when I really direct my mind to understand…-
That he loves us.
Woah, How He loves us,
Woah. How He loves us,
Woah How He loves.
Yeah, He loves us,
Woah, How He loves us,
Woah. How He loves us,
Woah How He loves.
I do not think we can fully contain God’s love, because its so magnificent it could crush us. We cannot in our human bodies hold the power of God… but he does le us have sips of it.. and as we get use to the sips he’ll start letting us have sippy cups of it, then regular cups, then moving to pints, quarts and gallons… but its so intense and the more we walk into it, and walk in it, the farther we will be able to relate to this world we live in.. so if you cant handle people thinking you’re crazy, then walk away now, because it’s going to be a bumpy ride and God has crazy things in store but you have to be willing to give your all, and not care about anyone else’s opinion.
Are you ready to jump?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
15 Random Thoughts
People are silly complex beings whom God loves... but sometimes I just don’t understand why.
2. I was in Food Lion today and a little girl who looked exactly like Dora the Explorer was sitting in one of the carts that looked like a car and a police officer was hovering around.. I thought odd…. Come to fine out the little girl had been left L she had to of been no more then 2 or 3.
3. I’ve been rather emotional this week which only means one thing, my end of sentence punctuation is coming soon :/
4. I have this crazy love for learning, watching, and performing Shakespeare but when it comes to actually reading it I sometimes get bored….
5. I owe Regent $8000. I have no idea how I’m going to pay them so that I can take classes in the fall.
6. God asked me a week or two back if I’d be ok with not going back to Regent for a semester… I have yet to give him an answer.
7. I realized that I have been desperately trying to replace a friendship from my past with people in my present. This isn’t ok because I can never have that friendship back again, and I need to be happy with the friendships I make as they are not make them into something else.
8. I’m always trying to jump ahead and I need to spend more time enjoying the moment I’m in.
9. I use to be so passionate about my dreams and God’s plan for me… and now I’m in this place of… almost complacency… I don’t think it’s ok to be complacent.
10. There is a person who has made me feel used. They came around a lot and many things happened and we got close... and then they disappeared… leaving me wondering… oh so many things…
11. I have this crazy thing for lemons… so crazy I get tempted to just grab a lemon from the basket at work and bite into it.. but I don’t because it’s for the water’s and tea’s.
12. I don’t understand why everyone is breaking up… I mean seriously... what is up with all of that?
13. I know this may sound odd… but I really do enjoy spending time with homosexuals… I mean yes I know God is disgusted with there lifestyle… but he loves them.. and I do too… they can be so much fun… when they aren’t stuck on sex and lust.
14. There are so many people I should be praying for… who have asked me to pray for them… but lately I have not interceded on there behalf like I should have. I mean I still pray… but that intense intercession has not occurred.
15. I have a childhood dream that I haven’t let go of yet… I want to marry an African prince… and go save his country one play at a time.
Monday, May 24, 2010
May lessons
So I didn’t get the part in The Secret Garden but it was fun auditioning and it was good to get out of Regent. I’m going to continue to look up auditions in the area and try out. Really get myself out there you know?
In other news I got to go home for a night and a day. That was really good for me to see my family. We caught up on everything. I stayed up until 3 talking to my cousin and then my nephews woke me up at 7… fun… I was tired but it was good to be at my home church on the day of Pentecost. And to see everyone. I surprised my parents. They weren’t expecting to see me. That was fun J
Something I’ve noticed for a while is my sisters attitude towards me. She loves me I know but she’s always trying to compete with me for my parents attention. As a matter of fact she competes with me for everyone’s attention. I mean I had just gotten home and instead of talking about all that had been occurring in my life my sister was talking about things that occurred when she lived in Texas. I don’t tend to care as in it doesn’t hurt me. I’m not really into competing for attention anymore.. it just makes me so sad for her that she has to be that way. And my sister is very sarcastic and outspoken but when you’re sarcastic with her or dish to her what she dishes to you she gets offended. She’s 25 and has 5 year olds tantrums. It makes me so sad that my sister and I use to be close then we grew apart because she matured and now we’re separate because I’m more mature. It’s so strange. She used to be someone I would look up to but now I just pity her.
And its true that I get a bigger reaction out of people when I return from somewhere but I mean she’s been in Texas for 3 years and no one really knows her. She’s been back for 3 months and still hasn’t connected with anyone in the church. It’s so sad.
In other things… I’m glad I’m living here in Va Beach for the moment. People asked if I was home for the summer and being home I saw how I’d been fine and happy at home. But at the same time I knew I was suppose to be her for the moment. It’s like my sister and I have traded places. I’m now out of the house and living on my own going to school and working. And my sister is home.
I sometimes wonder if I’ve made a judgment or inner vow when I was little that I need to take care of.
I use to look up to my sister and then I didn’t want to be anything like her… an now I just pity her.. they way she is… the way she’s become. I know being at home will be good for her. I really hope to see her grow being at church.
Anyway moving on. Things I’ve learned and something that God has been working on me is that I’m never content in the moment and I’m always trying to jump ahead to something new.. but I rush my life away that way.. so I’m working on being happy in the moment and really just enjoying everything as it comes and not trying to rush to the next thing.. I realize I’m less stressed this way
Also I’ve realized how chill it is when I don’t know everybody’s business.. I mean I care about my friends and of course I want to be there for them but I realize.. well I’ve known for a while that I live through others people vicariously and need to stop doing that because I have my own life and need to focus on it. And I’m a lot less stressed when I don’t know everything about everyone…. I’m such a burden barer.
This time in my life is just very… relaxing and free.. and that’s good.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Oh the day I've had
So today I went to the library, got a bunch of books and songbooks for my audition tomorrow. Went to work orientation where I watched movies and filled out more paperwork and got my schedule for the next week.
Then came home grabbed some food, made my friend Geoffrey a going away card and then headed over to his party. It was a very chill group. We at first just sat around and talked and then watched a rather funny comedian whose name leaves me at the moment. And then we played the game Scene It? I was not good at this game but Geoffrey was and he won the game, which is good considering it was his going away party. Then it was suggested we go on an adventure. And it was up to Geoffrey and he wanted to go explore the COMM building. Well there were only 2 COMM students in the entire group. So we went and our keys were shut off sadly… However I used my sneaky skills and got us into the COMM building and in and around different places that Geoffrey had always wanted to see. It was quite exciting showing a bunch of non-theatre kids around. It was fun watching their faces and seeing the realities of the life I live. It was so much fun.
But then I had to say goodbye as they went to explore Regent for the last time.
On my way home I talked to my friend Travis and wished him a happy birthday and that was good to hear his voice again.
Now I’m going to attempt to do an 8min ab workout, spend time with God, and sleep… yep that is my plan J
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
New Home, New Relationship, Growth Amongst It All
This new home that I’m living in is very interesting. My room is nice and probably the biggest room I’ve ever lived in... no Smoke Tree was probably the same size I just never new it with 3 people living in it. But anyway.. I made the room all me and I love it.
The people I live with, are cookie and crazy and fun and funny and weird and just all around a bunch of fun. First there’s Derrick. He and I share a bathroom. Derrick is a strange one but I love him for his strangeness. He’s got black hair piercings and tattoo’s. But he loves Jesus like crazy and he’s fun to be around. He’s a drama queen. He loves shopping and he’s all about his appearance. He’s not arrogant or egotistical... he’s just… Derrick. I haven’t had much opportunity to get to know him considering how little he’s home. But when we have talked he seems cool. We have these fake fights like a brother and sister and slam our bedroom doors at the same time.
At times it feels like Derrick and I are Tianna and Andrew’s kids, which is ironic considering both Derrick and I Are older then Andrew and Tianna. But it’s a fun little family dynamic. I’m learning to like it.
And then comes Andrew, Tianna’s husband. He’s a funny guy. He seems shy at first. But he’s just as corky and silly so perfect for Tianna. They really are cute together.
And then comes Tianna. My crazy friend. Tianna is becoming one of my best friends and she is so much fun. She has her moments but so do I and we have had our moments of rubbing up against each other, but we work it out. God is really stretching both of us in this relationship. Which is good. I need friends who will challenge me and stretch me and will sharpen me. I love Tianna and her craziness. It allows me to remember that I’m crazy and I’m slowly letting the edge go and be cool and chill… like I am at home with my family. I could be that person in the commons.. it didn’t feel homey I guess… it didn’t feel like a real apartment… it was a dorm.
But I really do love this home that I’m in. Every one loves Jesus and even though there are times of frustration we work really well together. I love all of them and look forward to this summers adventures.
Also Praise the Lord, it looks like I have a job at Ruby Tuesdays. YAY!!!! Praise God!!! Because I really need this job. I’m hoping I can still audition at community theatres. I’m learning to expect God to do what I ask him to do. It’s something I use to do but then I forgot or backtracked or something. But as I said in previous posts.. this is a new season where God and I are working on our relationship. Where I expect God to show up in my life. I expect the supernatural. I expect the favor he has already given me. God is so good and I forgot so many times this past semester to thank him for the little things. Look for Him in the small things of my day. But that’s what I’m doing again.
So here I am in my new season and God is blessing. And I’m so honored and privileged in his love and blessing. I so don’t deserve all that Christ has and is doing for me and their isn’t enough praise that could come out of my lips for it all. There aren’t words to express my love and gratitude in my great big God.
I love you God, Abba Father! You e so awesome and I just give you praise for all you’ve done, all you’re doing, and all that you’re going to do in my life in the near and far future!!!
Monday, May 3, 2010
My new Adventure
So I’m all moved out of the commons and moved into my new home. My room’s all set up and I have grocery’s and I’m basically all settled in…. which is nice. Its nice being off campus for a while.
Now however is my mad dash search for a job. I’ve applied to several places and am hoping to get a job by the end of the week. I’ve talked to a couple people who have gotten jobs really quickly so I have hope and anticipation on that end.
I’m excited about this new adventure I’m about to embark on. I’ve also started looking for audition opportunities in the area and am going to start auditioning, just to have the experience and see where it takes me.
This means I need to work on my resume and get my headshot more professional looking.
It’s gonna be a rough road but I’m excited to take it. I get all excited about this new adventure and what God has in-store for me. This is going to be a good season. A new season, learning new things. Being stretched and tested… Or maybe this will be a resting period for me. Where God and I can just work on our relationship. I think that is apart of what this new season is. Refocusing on our relationship.
To be honest I got caught up in all the drama of the commons and its really not healthy for me… especially since I don’t like drama. I’m to much of a burden barer to bein up in everyone’s business.
It’ll be good to have some distance, and be more on my own.
Now a car and a job is what I need.
Thank you Lord for providing for me needs before I even ask for them J