Theatre Major

Being a BA theatre major has been such a great experience. Regent really helps performers define who they are as actors and define who they are as Christians in the performing world. What I've learned most being here so far has been how to set up boundaries as a Christian performer and stand by them.

Continuing Education

Coming back to school after a two year break was very scary at first because I felt so far behind from all the people I graduated with, but God showed me that my timing here was perfect. And he has let me meet such wonderful people who have been where I'm at and they encouraged me. And once you're in the classes, you see that there are people of all ages and degrees and that age doesn't matter so much.

Christian Education

I use to say that I would never go to a Christian University because I thought they would be so strict and uptight. Also I didn't think a Christian University would be able to teach me theatre the way I needed it to be taught. Regent completely changed my perspective. They have a wonderful program and they really encourage us in our walk with God and show us how to co-exist in the world as a Christian.

Theatre Degree

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 22... What makes you different from everyone else?

Bahaha.. well I snort when I laugh, which though people do this, they don’t do it the way I do. I’m funny and quirky at times that are appropriate. I’m a lover, a fighter, a best friend, a playmate, a warrior, the back bone you need when you’ve lost your own, the hug that embraces, the one who cries with you, I wont take your crap and I’ll slap you when you need to be slapped. I am who I am and that’s all that I am. I’m a daughter of God and his precious princess, a strong mighty woman who puts God first in every decision.

I dream big and run far.

How are these different from any other you may ask? Because it has my own flair, my own unique Jessica Lynne Myers twist. Just get to know me and you’ll see how different I am. Yet I am who He says I am, and that’s good enough for me.

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